February 03, 2018

Interview with Adelina from Romania

How was your journey?
It was very good, just 2 hours in plane, but then about 3-4 hours by bus which nobody of us
expected. (laughing)

How did you get to know about this project?
It’s actually very funny. Erasmus+ 3 months ago was super funny, it was a training course and I liked
it very much. Then my friend wrote an application for this project, which is my third, and told me to
come along. But I was wondering - will we discuss all days only the topic of holocaust? But now I see the theme is much more complex so it’s better.

How do you enjoy this project?
We had a lot of ice breaking games, I got to know everyone quite quick, then it was very easy to ask
other people about their country, traditions. This makes project very interesting. I am looking
forward to do the interviews, we’re trying to preserve the history.

Why do you think these projects are important?
I read a lot about history, the villages in Romania are not as populated as they used to be, houses are empty, and it gives a feeling that you are losing your heritage, people move to big cities but you lose a part of yourself, and a part of national history. So it’s important to keep that part of our history.

Why should young people participate in these projects?
I am amazed, some people here are 18 years old and they know so much about history, human
rights, EU, they are very well informed, and they can become citizens that know how to vote and
why. That’s how we can overcome prejudices and thus to find the healthy way of thinking.

Can these projects help you find a good job?
It’s not directly related to my career but now I know which country has many posibilities for me and
it helps me in my personal development. And you can also discover how you can make things better
in your own country.

What is your last message?
I think these types of projects are great, they are for people of all ages. For me it would be interesting to send my parents to this project as they don’t know much about this problematic, they have
prejudices and it would help them to overcome them.

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